Passion 4 Purity podcast episode 15

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Sunday 10 AM Sunday School | 11 am Worship Service | Sunday 6 PM Evening Worship | Wednesday - 7PM Bible Study and Prayer - We are holding in person services!

by: John Rinehart



In episode 15, Dr. John Rinehart joins us to discuss singleness as well as prepping for and being married. Whether you are single, dating, engaged, or married, you will be greatly helped by these bits of practical wisdom. Being a man is not necessarily easy or comfortable, but it is a high calling. In this conversation between father and son, young men are called to take responsibility and embrace the rewarding task of living out their God given design.

This podcast is created by our second oldest son, Wesley. He currently lives in Maryland where he and his wife have one child and Wes serves as an assistant pastor.

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In episode 15, Dr. John Rinehart joins us to discuss singleness as well as prepping for and being married. Whether you are single, dating, engaged, or married, you will be greatly helped by these bits of practical wisdom. Being a man is not necessarily easy or comfortable, but it is a high calling. In this conversation between father and son, young men are called to take responsibility and embrace the rewarding task of living out their God given design.

This podcast is created by our second oldest son, Wesley. He currently lives in Maryland where he and his wife have one child and Wes serves as an assistant pastor.

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